GameGirl – Emulator-Handheld auf Basis eines Raspberry Pi Zero’s
Auf ist momentan ein Projekt in Arbeit einen Emulator-Handheld auf Basis der Hardware eines Pi Zero’s und der auf RetroArch-basierenden Linux-Distribution Lakka zu konstruieren: den GameGirl.
Der GameGirl bekommt einen 320×240 Pixel Bildschirm mit 120 FPS in sein Gehäuse eingebaut. Der Handheld selbst ist nur 66mm breit und 99mm hoch. Einige Indie-Spiele wie LÖVE und PICO-8 lassen sich ebenfalls auf dem Gerät spielen. Das Layout ist total an den original GameBoy angelehnt, nur diesmal mit vier Knöpfen (A,B,X,Y) wie beim SNES. Momentan scheint das Design keine Schultertasten zu haben, weshalb SNES-Spiele wahrscheinlich nicht spielbar sind. Möglicherweise wird sich das mit einem anderen Design in der Zukunft ändern. So wie es jetzt aussieht werden sich auf jeden Fall GameBoy Color und NES-Spiele spielen lassen. Auf der offiziellen Website des Projekts steht folgendes:
• Hardware accelerated display!
• Custom software (Lakka / RetroArch)
• High quality case and buttons
• Small form factorA very affordable portable console will be made using a 120 FPS 320×240 display and a Raspberry Pi Zero. It will be thin and tiny: only 66 mm x 99 mm!
The Lakka distribution powered by RetroArch will be used because of its speed, its fast power-on and instant power-off and its potential to run many retro and hipster-retro games (LÖVE, PICO-8, Scratch and emulators).
[Jean-André] from France is the software guy of this project. He is the main Lakka developer and a top #5 RetroArch contributor. [David] from Switzerland is the hardware guy. He makes the machine go ping and has his hand in the picture on the left.
Hackaday Prize 2016: Build something that matters
„The question is: Will the child program the computer or will the computer program the child?
Will the child run the machine or will the machine run the child?“
Seymour Papert was not afraid of video games. In The Connected Family, he viewed them as a powerful tool for each child to expand his learning style and explore powerful ideas. In making games, he saw a way to develop their sense of control and their ownership of technology. In playing games, he saw a way of learning-about-learning as the act of mastering a game is in effect about finding the best and fastest strategy of learning.
In a world dominated by black boxes like tablets and phones, we hope that building an affordable open source retro console will help expand the playful education of children and their adult equivalent: the makers.
Das letzte Update bezüglich des GameGirl’s ist vom 12.05.2016:
All goes according to plan! The prototype v0.1 has been soldered together and tested with a Raspberry Pi 2. Games run great under RetroArch and the buttons are buttoning up, just as planned.
Well… the only hitch is that this prototype is currently lost in a package between Switzerland and Vietnam. Indeed, we were hoping to post better pictures and videos once the package had arrived but this one will have to do for now.
In the meantime, we are preparing 2-3 more copies of the v0.1 prototype and designing the v0.2 prototype, which will look somewhat like the 3D render on top of this page (thanks @roymustang16!)
The Discord Chat is very active, with more than 100 users. We are welcoming all contributors, regardless of the experience: the beginners can help with mockups of the LÖVE game editor and menus of the console and the developers can help with electronics, CAD and programming.
Der Verkaufspreis soll aufgrund der günstigen Hardware und dem Open Source-OS gering ausfallen. Wenn das Teil noch Schultertasten bekommt ist es so gut wie gekauft.